Filing for Bankruptcy in Rhode Island

Although many aspects of filing for bankruptcy are determined by Federal law, Rhode Island requires some additional measures that must be taken in order to qualify for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you live in Kent County and would like to file for bankruptcy, be sure to take the steps outlined in this blog.

Get Credit Counseling

You are not eligible for bankruptcy in Rhode Island unless you have first received credit counseling and taken a debtor education course. Please note that the credit counseling agency must be approved by the U.S. Trustee in Rhode Island. Additionally, the counseling must take place no more than 6 months before filing for bankruptcy.

Fill Out the Proper Forms

After determining which type of bankruptcy is a better choice in your case, fill out the corresponding paperwork. This will include a test to determine whether or not you qualify for bankruptcy. Additional local forms may also be required, depending on your judicial district.

File for Bankruptcy

Once you have met the previous requirements, you can file for bankruptcy. This will be handled by the Rhode Island Bankruptcy Court. It is advisable that you speak with an attorney prior to taking this final step, especially if you would like to ensure that all the proper paperwork has been taken care of.

Is bankruptcy right for you?

If you are facing financial hardship and would like to know if bankruptcy is the right choice, contact an experienced lawyer today. As the attorney at the Law Office of Steven J. Hart, I have helped numerous clients move toward financial security, and can use my legal knowledge to help you make the most of this difficult time. You do not have to face these choices alone. Call my office to speak with a seasoned bankruptcy attorney in Kent County today!

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